Our Story


In order to understand AnchorDog™, our products, and why they are so important to us, I feel it’s important for me to tell you a little bit about the special pups that changed my life. 

When I moved to Los Angeles alone from New York City, I never thought I would end up with two rescue dogs within my first few years living here. I found Sammy on Facebook.

It was February and a friend had found a litter of abandoned puppies left in a parking lot in Palmdale, CA. He posted the photo of the pups and I messaged him immediately. The little puppy I adopted that day grew to be 50lbs and is now my best friend. I call him my AnchorDog™ because, living in a very fast-paced city such as LA, having Sammy was what grounded me and changed my life.

In late December the next year I was about to head home to New Jersey for the holidays when I received a phone call from another friend of mine. He explained to me that he had been traveling cross-country and that, as he was driving through New Mexico, his car broke down. As he was calling for assistance, he saw a small animal running in the field near the highway. When he got closer, he realized it was a dog. She wasn't wearing a collar and looked like she was starving. He got her into his car and, after he was back on the road, took a photo and sent it to me. The first thing I said was, "That's Sammy's soulmate!" They almost resembled each other, and I could just tell they were meant to be together. A few days after we spoke, my friend delivered her to my doorstep in Los Angeles.

Suddenly, I had two dogs, and Sammy had a sister named Sadie. 

jackie_moore_anchordog_anchorleashSadie was scared, starving and not potty-trained. I decided that, because of this new responsibility, I would have to skip the holidays in New Jersey with my family. I stayed in Los Angeles and trained her the best I could.  

It was difficult to get used to walking two dogs at once, and on my daily trip to the coffee shop I would tether both dogs outside, only to come back and have the difficult task of balancing my coffee while I unknotted the leashes. Of course, this turned out to be quite the ordeal, and I would undoubtedly lose almost half my coffee in the process every single time. 

That was the moment I knew I wanted to create a specially designed leash that would make my life, and fellow dog owners’ lives, infinitely easier. After a trip to Home Depot to buy some supplies, I made the first prototype of what has now become the AnchorLeash™.

As a dog-lover I know how important it is to be able to take them everywhere with as little hassle as possible. I wanted to develop a line of products that makes it easy to cater to every dog-owner’s unique needs.

This is where the AnchorLeash™ comes in. This one-of-a-kind leash is a dog owner’s dream. It’s flexible elastic loop can clip around the owner’s waist (or any sturdy stationary object, like a tree trunk) so dining outdoors and grabbing coffee with your pets has never been more enjoyable. The leash’s patent-pending design makes it even easier to enjoy that special one-on-one time, no matter where your day may take you. 

My dogs have certainly changed me and made my life better than I could have ever imagined. It is our sincere hope that AnchorDog™ products do the same for you. 

Jackie Moore 
AnchorLeash™ creator and founder of AnchorDog™

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